Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Coming soon!

Since LSB only requests electronic rights, I'm having LOST WAGES OF SIN put into print by Lulu. This isn't the final version; I won't have it available for distribution until I get my edits complete, but I did have a copy sent to me to make sure everything looks right. Aside from a few cosmetic things, I'm pretty psyched!

It's coming soon! Hurrah! I can't wait!

Cover made by me! Text done by the awesome JA Saare.


J.A. Saare / Aline Hunter said...

That's so awesome!!!

Sarah Ballance said...

Wow, you work FAST! Look how gorgeous you BOTH are! I'm beyond excited for you ... I want my copy autographed! ;c)

Rosalie Stanton said...

Thank you, ladies!!!