Thursday, March 1, 2012

Buried Alive 2: Buried Harder

The next couple months are going to be very hectic; I'm not sure how many of my readers come by to check my blog. Since I do a weekly update over at Romancing the Muses, I'm not too diligent about keeping this up to speed.

In short: edits. Pretty much everywhere I turn around, there are edits. I have a total of five manuscripts either on my desk or headed toward my desk demanding attention. Then there are edits for my own upcoming release, A Friend In Need. I'm also participating in Nix's Blind Date Event, or rather, Ryker from Know Thine Enemy has been asked to stop by, and Izzie's letting him. My erotic contemporary novella (yes, I occasionally write those!) has been accepted for publication, and that's without getting into all the other stuff I have going on in the not writer-ly, editor-ly part of my life.


On the plus side, aside from a couple minor and at least one major setback, 2012 is going according to plan. Two coming soon's and though Book 3 of the Sinners and Saints series has stalled again due to my editing obligations, It's a good 1/3 of the way complete. Hopefully by the next time I kick the dust off this blog and post an update, I'll have an excerpt or two to share.

Until then...well, I'll be somewhere in The Pile.

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